Membership and Recruiting Resources
This year the process for renewing your youth and adult membership changes. Be sure to download the instructions below to help you complete the process.
To submit a check by mail it to 3120 Rainier Ave S, Seattle, WA 98114. You may make a deposit by phone at 206-725-5200 or by paying online here (a processing fee will be applied).
If you need assistance in this process, please contact the district executive for your territory or email
It’s important to check your roster throughout the year to make sure all families are accounted. Make sure that they know they should update their information on if they move or change emails or phone numbers, this will make renewal much easier.
Below are the document downloads to help you with your Individual or Unit Membership Renewal Process:
2024 Membership Fees- effective May 1, 2024
Download the 2024 National Membership Fees flyer.
To deposit additional funds into your unit’s escrow account, you can:
- Send a check to 3120 Rainier Ave. S, Seattle WA, 98144. Be sure to include a note with your unit number and the purpose of the check.
- Use the online form option available on Tentaroo.
- Call the council office at 206-725-5200 to make a payment with any of our staff members over the phone.
Fillable pdf’s can be found in the BSA Brand Center and the Membership and Marketing Hub provides a plethora of ideas and tools to help units grow and work together.
Use the royalty free images for social media or flyers knowing that they have been approved for use by the BSA and are the right sizes to fit your needs.
BSA resources help your membership team, with join events, year-round recruiting and programing activities. Follow the links below for more outstanding ways to support your units membership goals.
- Marketing Bootcamp Webinars & resources are here
- Read the Social Media Playbook
- Sign up for Scouting Wire
- Sign up for Aaron on Scouting
- Cub ChatLIVE! Marketing Resources for Cub Packs
- Create an account on Canva to help you make graphics and flyers easier (we must verify that you are a registered member of Chief Seattle Council). Make sure to adhere to the brand standards outlined in the Social Media Playbook.
- Use this flyer to quickly write in or edit for your Pack’s Join Event.
- Using the materials from the Brand Center create a simple flier with the Google Drawings App. Watch the how to video here
Having an organized unit and planning takes time, here are some ideas and resources to support you and your unit.
From Welcoming New Families to Den Leader Resources and Activities you’ll find what you’re need for success HERE!
Building your Pack Calendar with families (a 2 meeting plan): What you Need:
- Stickers (5-10 per person, including parents and scouts)
- Giant Post-it Paper/Sticky Easel Pad
- Markers
- Sticky Notes
First Meeting: Pack Meeting/Scout Planning Meeting:
- Step 1: Gather the unit together, including scouts and parents, and give everyone 5-10 stickers
- Step 2: Ask everyone to start calling out things they want to do throughout the year and write the idea down on the giant post it paper. Make sure to include every idea even if it sounds far fetched or unrealistic
- Step 3: Have everyone come up and put their stickers next to the activities that they want to do the most
Second Meeting: Cub Scouts- Parent Meeting; Scouts BSA and Older Scouts- Scout Meeting
- Step 4: Organize the most popular ideas into different categories such as travel, water, hiking camping, etc.
- Step 5: Discuss these activities with the parents/older scouts and determine what the unit needs to do to accomplish them. Eliminate the activities that are not feasible.
- Step 6: Write each remaining activity on a sticky note (larger activities can be broken into multiple sticky notes). Have all the parents/older scouts come up and select the activity that they would like to help plan and lead. Write down who is doing what.
- Step 7: Assign dates to each activity and organize into a calendar format. Print a copy for each member of the unit and send a digital copy by email. Bring copies to give to interested families at recruitment events.
Download an example Unit Planning Calendar Here and the Ideal Year of Scouting for Cub Packs Here
Trained Units are Successful Units
There are a variety of Trainings planned throughout the spring for unit volunteers. A good starting place could be the Leaders Training Weekends this fall. Check out this and other training options available in-person and pre-register here.
The annual Program and Training Conference happens November 2, 2024. The in-person full day event offers hands-on training and networking in all areas of Scouting. Find out more and register here.
Youth Protection Training: To take this training, click here
Who Takes It: All BSA adult volunteers and all adults staying overnight for a Scouting activity. They must be a registered adult in a position or listed as an adult program participant. *Limited exception for Cub Scout overnight programs.
How Often: Once every two years
*Please note; occasionally technical errors cause the completion of this training to go unrecorded. If this happens to you, and you have fully completed the course and final exam, there is no need to take the course again. Contact your district executive and they can get the training manually entered into the system. Please take a screen shot showing your completion of the final exam to show that you have completed the course in case there is an error.
*Training is offered throughout the year in a variety of program areas, you can find information in our monthly Adventure Trail newsletter, the Roundtable Round-Up, the Training Tracks newsletter, on our blog page or on our social media pages.
For information on other available trainings available throughout the year and how to get trained, click here.
Please submit your marketing materials request at least 10 business days before the pick up date to allow time for processing and printing. If you need materials sooner than two weeks, please email Christine at and copy your District Executive after submitting your request to confirm if it will be possible to get it completed in time.
To request marketing materials, fill out the marketing request submission form below. To find marketing flyers, see the Marketing Links tab.
When you Ignite your unit, you have an opportunity to learn and share the FUN & ADVENTURE of Scouting with new families.
Below are resources to help you accomplish this:
- Update your Unit Pin that links to This is a place that families can see where your unit meets and who to connect with to join Scouting. Watch the video HERE or download the pdf file HERE.
- Link to the CSC IGNITE video on our YouTube Channel HERE.
- Link to the 2024 National Membership Kick-Off Event HERE
- When hosting a Join Event or at a Back to School night, or at any event use a QR Code to direct families to your unit on BeAScout.
- When families register online before 10/31/24 they will receive a Cub Scout Welcome Kit.
Passively grow your unit year-round
Bring a Friend – When your unit is doing a fun activity or event, challenge each youth to “bring a friend”.
Share Scouting – Show others the fun your family experiences in Scouting; share photos on social media, invite others to find out more.
Looking for more?
- Everything you need to grow your unit in a variety of ways can be found here. You’ll find ideas, images, webinars and loads of things to support you and your units growth plan.
- Find more resources for the new CUB SCOUT PROGRAM UPDATES here.
- Running a Sign-up Night with stations can be most effective, find out how here.
- If you’re looking for more ways to reach families, click on the Marketing Resources tab above.
*Pro Tip: Looking for something easy and stress free for your follow up activity? Invite your new parents and your pack to go to Camp Halloween in October at Camp Edward. This is a spooktasticly good chance to let kids experience the awesomeness of camp and have a fun, engaging activity without you having to plan the whole adventure
Marketing Materials Request
Please note that marketing materials requests must be submitted at least 10 business days before you need to pick them up. Fliers printed by the council office must come from the BSA Brand Center Marketing Resources. Download the pdf of your choice, then add the following: Event Name, Unit Number, Date of event, Time of event, Place of event, Contact Information, QR code if desired. This information will not be edited, it will be printed as it appears on your pdf, so please double check everything as they will not be reprinted.

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