Meet a Troop – Troop 622 – Bothell, WA
AOL Cubs, Webelos, and prospective Scouts BSA members are invited to join Troop 622 for a virtual Troop meeting and a Saturday at Brightwater Park as part of the Great Northern Trails Goose Chase!
- Join the troop on Zoom for a round or two of the troop’s favorite game on Sunday, 28 February
- Meet up at Brightwater park on Saturday, 6 March for the Goose Chase Brightwater missions
Webelos and AOL Scouts are welcome to visit the troop anytime. Our adult leaders believe in the Scouting Program and welcome your questions!
Web – email –
The Troop goes back at least to the 1970s and probably earlier than that. Our most famous Alum is none other than Rick Steves, the PBS Travel Guru – at least that is the legend. We draw most of our Scouts from Cub Packs in the Bothell area but welcome boys from the surrounding areas including (but not limited to) Woodinville, Lynnwood, Briar, and Kenmore.
Philosophy of Scouting
Each Scout chooses their own journey through the world of Scouting. Some will reach Eagle, some will not, some will get every Merit Badge and some will earn only a few. But we hope that each Scout finds their own way, guided by the Scout Law and Oath, and helped by their peers, Senior Scouts and the Troop Leadership. We, as Troop Leadership, want to make Scouting available for the Scouts to “choose your own Scouting Adventure” and grow to be young adults with great memories, friendships and life skills with which to go forward into the world. Our program blends Service, Fun and Adventure: twice-yearly food drives and fun service project camps at State Parks, Shooting Sports, backpacking, cycling, canoeing and High Adventure like SCUBA diving. We raise money through Christmas wreath sales and Christmas tree recycling. Summer 2019, our troop went to camp twice: many younger Scouts went to Fire Mountain near Mt. Vernon and a large party of Scouts and adults went to Florida Seabase High Adventure in the Florida Keys to scuba-dive, our troops’ second High Adventure trip in three years. We rotate sending summers at Washington camps and going out of state.
Our troop meetings most often are at the Rental Hall in Bothell, on Bothell Everett Highway. During the school year, our meetings generally are on Sunday evening beginning at 6:30pm and ending around 8pm. During the summer months, we move meetings to Mondays. During the month, we will hold 2 meetings for the whole troop to meet and work together, while reserving other meeting dates for patrol meetings where the individual patrols can meet for planning, advancement, merit badge pursuits or perhaps just for fun! In addition, the PLC (Patrol Leadership Council) meets once a month to coordinate and plan the troops’ activities.

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